Our hope and vision for Agro Enterprise hub is that it becomes a leading, innovative, technologically-driven, heritage and knowledge‐based value creating modern farm, that contributes to the national economy and ensures food and nutrition security in a sustainable and resilient manner.
Guided by the Vision of the MSU, Agro Enterprise hub aims to optimize the utilization of agricultural resources through heritage-based science education and technology development to create wealth for Zimbabwe.
This would be achieved through commitment to:
- A results-based culture premised on performance contracting;
- Innovation and Extension for improving agronomic and animal husbandry knowledge and technology in terms of basic research and innovation, especially aimed at developing improved varieties and breeds. Innovative projects will be promoted through PPPP and developing innovative networks and beneficial partnerships with research institutions and the private sector.
- Increased Productivity and Resilience that focus on promoting sustainable and resilient production systems for crops and animal resources. This component of the strategy contains heavy investment in improving land productivity and animal production. Significant investment will go into irrigation with plans to increase the irrigated areas from — ha to – ha;
- Inclusive markets and value addition for agricultural produce seeking to improve markets access and linkages between production and processing. This includes access to key input markets such as fertilizers and animal feeds, insurance, and finance as well as upstream activities such as aggregation, promotion of value addition, market infrastructure and export readiness. In collaboration with the private sector through productive alliances, this strategy envisions the establishment of hard and soft infrastructure along the value chains at MSU Agro Enterprise hub.
- Student centered on-farm agricultural practice learning through quality and relevant on-farm research on;
- On-farm teaching and hands-on training by means of flexible packaging, work related learning, community engagement and strategic partnerships with the University’s stakeholders;
- Sustainable socio-economic transformation through industrialization and modernization of activities at Agro Enterprise hub;
- The recruitment, motivation and retention of Agro Enterprise hub staff in an environment of a caring University;
- Producing well rounded (holistic) and hands-on agricultural graduates;
- The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) as principal models for driving farm operations; on-farm teaching, learning and on-farm training and on-farm research;
- Gender mainstreaming by increasing equality and equity in farm employment;
- Good corporate governance practices in all farm management activities;
- Running Agro Enterprise hub as a business entity.
- Embracing diversity and providing equal opportunities for all at Agro Enterprise hub.
Principles and Values
The implementation of the Agro Enterprise hub Strategic Plan will be guided by the following principles and values:
- Service Excellency through team work: We shall be committed to adhering to the highest standards of diligence when executing our duties and constantly search for the best ways to meet the requirements of our stakeholders. We shall adhere to the code of conduct as illustrated in the Midlands State University Code of Conduct and further adhere to ethics and high degree of competence.
- Innovation: We shall endeavor to improve delivery of goods and services from Agro Enterprise hub through the application of better services, processes, technologies and novel ideas.
- Transparency: We shall be as open and accountable as possible about all the decisions and actions taken in a uniform, impartial fair and reasonable manner. We shall also avail non-confidential information on the operations and activities of Agro Enterprise hub to all stakeholders.
- Integrity: We shall be honest, truthful and driven by strong values and moral principles in conducting all Agro Enterprise hub affairs. We shall ensure that proper rules are in place, and that they are aligned with the principles and policies of the Midlands State University, and are strictly followed and enforced.
- Fairness: We shall treat our clients and students on on-farm practice equally without favoritism or discrimination.
- Loyalty: We shall be committed to the policies and programs of the Midlands State University.
- Responsiveness: We shall expeditiously respond to our stakeholders by providing timely information and services at any particular time period, given available resources.
- Hard work
Our Hands Our Minds Our Destiny.